Linewize Customer Updates

Two School Manager System Checks to Start the Year Right with Toni Martin 

Written by Linewize Team | Jan 27, 2021 7:30:39 AM

Having worked extensively in technology support & service roles, and as an IT Manager for a New Zealand school, Toni Martin joins our Success Team. Get to know her a bit better below and check out her School Manager system checks for the new year.

A little about me

School Manager System Checks to Start the Year Right

Here are Toni's recommendations for School Manager system checks to ensure a successful start to the new school year.

1) Are you experiencing a change of staff in the new year?

A new school year always means staff changes, which can lead to School Manager reports not being delivered to the relevant staff members. Therefore, the start of the year is a good time to check which staff are receiving reports in School Manager and reviewing these settings regularly throughout the year. 

To help deal with staff changes, Toni recommends using generic school email accounts, where possible, to help reduce administration when there is a change in staff, i.e.

To see how you can update staff in School Manger, watch below.


2) Is it time to update your School Manager filtering policies?

It is always a good idea at the start of the school year to check that your filtering policies are still meeting your school’s needs. Your filtering policies will need to be reviewed and evolve in response to your school's pedagogies and the dynamic nature of the Internet, including new online games, apps, and trends.

To see how you can update your filtering policies in School Manger, watch below.


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