Bite-sized Learning

Short staff training lessons to help improve student digital wellbeing and learning outcomes with Linewize.

Using Consequences to Steer Positive Student Behaviour
Using Consequences to Steer Positive Student Behaviour

Using the Linewize tools to support students at risk / or who are off task by applying consequences and steering to ensure positive learning outcomes and responsible use of digital technologies

Getting started - Accessing your Classwize Platform
Getting started - Accessing your Classwize Platform

Learn the basics of logging into your Classwize classroom management solution. This will support the onboarding of staff with the relevant access to Classwize tools.

Optimal Classwize Settings for a New Academic Year
Optimal Classwize Settings for a New Academic Year

Help empower school IT teams to better support classroom learning environments with this invaluable platform.

Managing Access to ChatGPT
Managing Access to ChatGPT

This short explainer video outlines how teachers can manage access to ChatGPT and ensure that students can use it during lessons only when appropriate.

Introduction to Linewize Classwize - Classroom Management Solution (REVISION)
Introduction to Linewize Classwize - Classroom Management Solution (REVISION)

A brief, practical introduction to Linewize's Classwize classroom management solution for teachers. Classwize provides an easy to use platform that enables educators to see and manage their student's ...

Personalise your Classwize Classes for greater visibility and management
Personalise your Classwize Classes for greater visibility and management

The how and why of pinning, unpinning, hiding and renaming your available Classwize classes.

Making it easier to create valid class rules in Classwize
Making it easier to create valid class rules in Classwize

Rules Validation helps you create effective Class Rules by checking if the rule you’re adding to Classwize either duplicates an existing Rule or conflicts with or a Locked Policy set by your school ...

Introducing Windows App management in Classwize to reduce student distraction
Introducing Windows App management in Classwize to reduce student distraction

Teachers now have control over Microsoft Windows-based Applications on student learning devices using the new App Control feature. For example a teacher could choose to block the Windows Calc app ...

An ICT Guide to Start-of-Year Processes & Onboarding New Families
An ICT Guide to Start-of-Year Processes & Onboarding New Families

Discover how your school's key decision-makers are able to effectively inform and engage all families around your Cyber Safety initiatives.

Introduction to Linewize Monitor - Digital Safeguarding Solution
Introduction to Linewize Monitor - Digital Safeguarding Solution

A solution overview of the Linewize Monitor Digital Safeguarding technology, providing senior school leaders with relevant, timely and actionable alerts for at-risk students, enabling schools to take ...

Unpacking Monitor Events to take Action
Unpacking Monitor Events to take Action

We provide you with insights into the event alert and capture process so that your teams can use the available data and reporting to better support and guide students in their digital development.

Event Status & NEW Notes feature
Event Status & NEW Notes feature

Monitor's Event Status feature now gives you the ability to improve allocation, tracking, and management of alerting events amongst Safeguarding contacts. We've also added a helpful NEW Notes feature ...

Configuring your Alerts
Configuring your Alerts

Correctly fine-tuning and configuring your alerting profiles ensures that every event alert received is appropriately distributed and actioned by the right staff member in a timely manner.

Getting Started: Accessing Your Online Safety Hub
Getting Started: Accessing Your Online Safety Hub

How to introduce your school's Online Safety Hub to your team.

Online Safety Hub Quick Overview
Online Safety Hub Quick Overview

Watch this short Online Safety Hub highlights video to get a broad understanding of how to use your school 's online safety hub to build a culture of online safety and support your parent/whanau ...

Where to find Qustodio Information within your school's Online Safety Hub
Where to find Qustodio Information within your school's Online Safety Hub

Your Online Safety Hub is a practical Digital Wellbeing resource for your whole school community - equipping school staff and parents alike with the information they need to steer and guide children ...

Responding to Help Requests in Person with Linewize Pulse
Responding to Help Requests in Person with Linewize Pulse

This video demonstrates how to effectively handle a help request from a student through Pulse, and complements the technical video that addresses the help inbox. It covers active listening, empathy, ...

The Help Inbox in Pulse
The Help Inbox in Pulse

Students have the opportunity to connect with wellbeing support via Pulse. This video shows what a help request looks like for a staff member in the Help Inbox.

Pulse: Setting up Best Practice Processes
Pulse: Setting up Best Practice Processes

This video introduces some best practices for the use of Pulse. Setting up organisational processes for Pulse at your school is important to ensure smooth implementation and adoption, maximise its ...

Understanding the Pulse Dashboard - Wellbeing Section
Understanding the Pulse Dashboard - Wellbeing Section

The first question asked in a Pulse check-in is the wellbeing question: 'How are you feeling today?'. This video walks through the wellbeing section of the Student Pulse dashboard, when you can see ...

Pulse New Look Check In
Pulse New Look Check In

This video takes you through the new look Student Pulse check-in, including Gratitude 2.0

Pulse New Look Dashboard
Pulse New Look Dashboard

This video takes you through the entirety of the Student Pulse dashboard.

Using the Pulse Gratitude Feature
Using the Pulse Gratitude Feature

This video explains the importance of the gratitude function of Pulse. Giving and receiving gratitude fosters positive relationships, encourages a growth mindset, boosts self-esteem, and enhances ...

How to navigate and understand the Timeline Report in the Parent Dashboard
How to navigate and understand the Timeline Report in the Parent Dashboard

Qustodio provides parents with valuable insights in the form of the 'Timeline' report. This video helps parents navigate and make use of the information with confidence.

 Introducing Qustodio to your parent community
Introducing Qustodio to your parent community

Providing you with guidance and tips for introducing Qustodio to engage and partner with your parent community in your school's wider Student Digital Wellbeing initiatives.

Communication strategies for engaging your parent community
Communication strategies for engaging your parent community

Unpacking the Linewize suggested communications templates for launching Qustodio to help ensure each school can achieve high parent engagement.

How to get help with Qustodio as a parent of a Linewize partner school
How to get help with Qustodio as a parent of a Linewize partner school

This video provides parents (of schools that partner with Linewize) with a practical guide for how they can get help with their Qustodio Parent tools.

Helping parents understand what they can do with their School Qustodio offering.
Helping parents understand what they can do with their School Qustodio offering.

This video provides parents with an overview of what the school Qustodio offer is and the value it provides them to be able to better support their child in navigating the digital world.

How to navigate and interpret the Qustodio Dashboard Report
How to navigate and interpret the Qustodio Dashboard Report

This video helps parents and guardians understand their child's online activity using the Qustodio Dashboard Report.

How And Why A Parent Might Upgrade Their Qustodio Account To Premium
How And Why A Parent Might Upgrade Their Qustodio Account To Premium

Helping parents understand why they may consider upgrading their school free offer of Qustodio to a Premium plan. Providing practical examples so that parents can make an informed decision that best ...

How to configure and use Qustodio's Daily Time Limit feature
How to configure and use Qustodio's Daily Time Limit feature

Learn how to set up and use the Daily Limits feature, so that you can manage how much time your child has online each day.

How your school’s parents can get help with Qustodio
How your school’s parents can get help with Qustodio

In this video, we show you how to find the help that you need for your Qustodio parent tools.

How can a parent customise their child's online experience at home?
How can a parent customise their child's online experience at home?

In this brief video we talk through the technical functionality to protect your child's personal devices through your Qustodio account.

Understanding the Qustodio school offer v Premium - Should a parent upgrade?
Understanding the Qustodio school offer v Premium - Should a parent upgrade?
How to view your child's online activity on their school and personal device through the parent app
How to view your child's online activity on their school and personal device through the parent app

Providing parents with an easy to follow video, so they can review their child's online activity for the school learning device and any personal device that are protected as a result of the school's ...

Qustodio and Shared Devices in the home - Can Parents Get Split Reporting?
Qustodio and Shared Devices in the home - Can Parents Get Split Reporting?
Using Filtering Rules to Guide Positive Student Behaviour
Using Filtering Rules to Guide Positive Student Behaviour

Rather than locking and blocking, schools can customise their filtering rules with a positive learning focus to address specific student online behaviours.

Pastoral Tools to Support Student Wellbeing Initiatives
Pastoral Tools to Support Student Wellbeing Initiatives

Inform and equip Leadership and Pastoral Care teams with visibility and reporting around students' online activity and engagement.

How ICT Teams Can Support Online Wellbeing Initiatives
How ICT Teams Can Support Online Wellbeing Initiatives

Ensure ICT teams can provide a safe and robust platform that successfully supports the wider school community.

Preparing for the Return of Students: Configuring Alerts & Reports
Preparing for the Return of Students: Configuring Alerts & Reports

Learn how to create custom alerts and reports on the School Manager platform around students' online activity while at school.

Getting Started: Accessing Your School Manager Platform
Getting Started: Accessing Your School Manager Platform

Cover the basics of logging into your Linewize School Manager.

Creating Web Filtering Rules That Enable Positive Learning Outcomes
Creating Web Filtering Rules That Enable Positive Learning Outcomes

Explore how to empower ICT & Leadership to configure School Manager's filtering rules to positively steer students' online attitudes and activity.

Distracted and At-risk Students - How to Identify Them
Distracted and At-risk Students - How to Identify Them

Learn how to empower wellbeing teams to use School Manager data to identify students distracted or at risk based on their online activity at school.

Understanding the New Advanced Search Function
Understanding the New Advanced Search Function

Unpack the new Advanced Search feature. In this session, we show you how it can support IT Teams to better understand student online activity.

Linewize Best Practice Guide for NAPLAN and other Academic Testing
Linewize Best Practice Guide for NAPLAN and other Academic Testing

We will demonstrate a variety of examples to provide visibility and structure around how to best support the NAPLAN student testing process.

Understanding School Manager's new Dashboard
Understanding School Manager's new Dashboard

We've just launched a brand new look and feel for our School Manager dashboard, aimed at providing our schools with the most valuable data at a glance. We will walk through the various components and ...

User Journey Report - Using evidence-based wellbeing data to engage your parent community
User Journey Report - Using evidence-based wellbeing data to engage your parent community

The User Journey Report provides a way to easily generate targeted reports for student activity which can easily be exported and shared with key decision makers at your school. We will walk through ...

New School Manager Content Filtering Criteria Selector
New School Manager Content Filtering Criteria Selector

The new Criteria Selector for School Manager, available from the Content Filtering page provides schools with a more intuitive Category and Signature hierarchy when defining your school web content ...

Tailoring the right level of visibility for your stakeholders to positively influence your school's online safety practices
Tailoring the right level of visibility for your stakeholders to positively influence your school's online safety practices

How to provide the right stakeholders at your school with the tools, reports and understanding to proactively identify and respond to risky or concerning online activity.

Use peer comparison to quickly identify those students distracted from their learning
Use peer comparison to quickly identify those students distracted from their learning

The Distracted Student Report gives Teaching and Learning teams the ability to easily identify, through peer comparison, and highlight those of your students who are most distracted, impacting their ...

Getting Started With School Manager - Lesson 1
Getting Started With School Manager - Lesson 1

In this first training video, we’re providing you with an overview of your School Manager to help reinforce some of the key features and concepts you saw in your initial training that will enable you ...

School Manager Statistics Menu - Lesson 2
School Manager Statistics Menu - Lesson 2

A practical demonstration of the key areas within the Statistics menu, giving you the knowledge and tools to proactively locate specific student activity and understand where your students are ...

School Manager Reports Menu - Lesson 3
School Manager Reports Menu - Lesson 3

An in-depth walkthrough of the Reports menu for ICT Teams, providing practical advice on how to optimise online reporting for leadership and Pastoral Care teams to make student risk and digital ...

Evaluate the Success of your Qustodio Launch and Allocating Community Administrator Permissions
Evaluate the Success of your Qustodio Launch and Allocating Community Administrator Permissions

Schools that provide Qustodio to their parent community should regularly review their School Manager's Community content. In this video, we walk through the Community Menu to provide steering and ...

Supporting families to address the challenge of student digital distraction outside of school
Supporting families to address the challenge of student digital distraction outside of school

Learn how to customise your School Manager filtering rules to better support parents who are struggling to manage their child's challenges with digital distraction at home. We demonstrate how to ...

Configuring Periodic Wellbeing Reports to better identify students in need, based on their online activity
Configuring Periodic Wellbeing Reports to better identify students in need, based on their online activity

How to configure Periodic Reports more effectively to deliver relevant, timely information to the right stakeholders at your school - helping inform and influence your Leadership and Pastoral Care ...

How to make use of the Digital Distraction Report highlights your most distracted students
How to make use of the Digital Distraction Report highlights your most distracted students

The digital distraction report provides your T&L teams an easy to digest, evidence based and actionable academic peer comparison report by year group, identifying those students who are ...

Using targeted reports to identify student Digital Distraction
Using targeted reports to identify student Digital Distraction

In light of NSW DET School's recently announced Mobile Phone Ban in schools, we addresses this ongoing challenge and highlight how your School Manager’s Reporting features can help you to identify ...

Using School Manager's search tools to identify students exposed to concerning content
Using School Manager's search tools to identify students exposed to concerning content

School Manager provides tools to support your Pastoral Care and Leadership teams including Word Cloud and Videos Search to proactively identify and support students who have been exposed to harmful ...

Safeguarding student's wellbeing when dealing with distressing online content
Safeguarding student's wellbeing when dealing with distressing online content

The proliferation of distressing, inappropriate and high-risk online content means schools are now dealing with an ever-growing level of student wellbeing issues that cannot be overlooked. We show ...

Classwize Overview
Classwize Overview

Ready to improve learning and tackle digital distraction in your classroom? Use Classwize to manage your students and use screenshot history reports to review how your students spent their learning ...

Features and Tools in Classwize
Features and Tools in Classwize

See actions teachers can take using Classwize tools like chat, pause, and reward to tailor the digital environment.

Rules in Classwize
Rules in Classwize

Reduce distraction during learning time by creating rules to guide student's effective use of the internet in your class.

Focus Feature in Classwize
Focus Feature in Classwize

Use focus to contain students on the sites you need them on for testing, research, and minimizing distractions.

Live View in Classwize
Live View in Classwize

Live view helps teachers take a closer look individual student internet use, and take actions to manage the learning environment.

Online Safety Hub Overview - For All Staff
Online Safety Hub Overview - For All Staff

Keep up to date with your students online apps and games, and Improve digital citizenship in your school classrooms.

Monitor Overview Video
Monitor Overview Video

See how Monitor can use a combination of AI and human moderators to detect digital risks before they become real-life incidents.

Signing into Monitor
Signing into Monitor

How to sign into Monitor if you have been given access to see alerts for your students.

Monitor Dashboard
Monitor Dashboard

Learn about the Monior dashboard and how it can support student well being., Find your way around the Monior dashboard and see how it can support student well being at your school.

Events in Monitor
Events in Monitor

See how events are explored in Monitor., See how events are explored to identify risk, harm or threats in Monitor.

Alerting Profiles for Admins in Monitor
Alerting Profiles for Admins in Monitor

Learn more about how events are moderated and alerted through Monitor.

Contact management in Monitor
Contact management in Monitor

Manage who has access to Monior for your students at your school and edit contacts., Manage who has access to Monior for your students at your school and edit contacts. For Admins.

Devices in Monitor
Devices in Monitor

Explore and manage the devices that Monitor has been deployed on at your school.

Staff/Student Split for Monitor Admins
Staff/Student Split for Monitor Admins

Set up Monitor to split alerts for staff and students for Admins.

Individual User Profile for Monitor Admins
Individual User Profile for Monitor Admins

Set up user profiles for Monitor alerts. For admins.

Vulnerable Students for Monitor Admins
Vulnerable Students for Monitor Admins

Set up Monitor alerts for your high risk or most vulnerable students. For admins.

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