Online Safety Self-Review for Schools

May 19, 2021

With so many competing priorities for schools, finding time to reflect on approaches to online safety and wellbeing is challenging.

To help your school overcome barriers preventing reflection, we have created a simple Online Safety Self-Review Tool. The tool will facilitate conversations about where your school is currently, what's going well and key areas to focus on. 

Why use the online safety self-review?

The Online Safety Self-Review Tool for schools and kura highlights different aspects of a school's current approach to online safety and wellbeing. It helps schools identify what’s going well, areas for focus and priorities for development.

It has been created to start conversations and while completing it independently is useful, connecting with all stakeholders (including families and students) ensures all perspectives and ideas are captured. This approach allows for a more accurate and informed review. The Self-Review tool can be used in its entirety or broken down into smaller areas of focus, for example, questions that link directly to policy and process.

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Topics: online safety

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