May 19, 2021 online safety
Online Safety Self-Review for Schools

With so many competing priorities for schools, finding time to reflect on approaches to online safety and wellbeing is challenging. To help your school overcome barriers preventing reflection, we have created a simple Online Safety ...

March 19, 2021 schools | online pornography | sexual assault | violence | consent
How online porn is fuelling sexual violence in our schools

It started with a simple question: “Have you or has anyone close to you experienced sexual assault from someone who went to an all-boys school?”

February 22, 2021 remote learning | online safety | digital wellbeing
COVID crisis highlights need for greater focus on student online safety

Practically overnight, the pandemic forced our school communities to transition to new modes of teaching and learning. With remote instruction now firmly established as part of the new normal, student cyber safety has emerged as an urgent ...

November 24, 2020 Cyber Safety | wellbeing | well-being | online learning | parental engagement | community
Engaging your parent community in cyber safety, here are our 6 tips

The last few years have demonstrated how important the internet is to modern-day life. Across the world, it became our main workplaces, social spaces, and classrooms. With students spending more time at home and online, it meant more ...

November 4, 2020 School Manager | how-to
How-To: Control VPN usage by students at your school

We are seeing many students using VPNs to bypass school network filtering. Linewize can help you detect usage and steer students towards responsible internet use.

October 14, 2020 digital parenting | content filtering | school filtering | Education | digital wellbeing
A deep-dive into remote learning and how it can improve education

Post-COVID classrooms may never be quite the same, if Australian students get their way. Amid calls for more flexibility and greater use of online platforms, a renewed focus on student-centred learning may be the silver lining to the ...

September 16, 2020 distraction | remote learning | smartphones | wellbeing | hotspotting
Dealing with bad digital behaviours post lockdown

Research by the Gonski Institute for Education published in early 2020 suggested that the amount of time students are spending on digital technology inside and outside school is having a significant impact on both their classroom learning ...

September 1, 2020 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | suicide | online pornography | depression
Managing student wellbeing online

Cyber safety is not really about technology; it's about student wellbeing. And with the world becoming ever more digital, this presents a multitude of new challenges for admins, wellbeing & pastoral care staff. A comprehensive and ...

September 1, 2020 self-harm | mental health | suicide | wellbeing
Student Self-harm: Warning signs, risks & school responses

The headlines are sickeningly familiar:

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