October 7, 2022 teens on social media | self-harm | bullying | online gaming | mental health | suicide | Gaming | depression | at-risk students | School internet monitoring | wellbeing | cyberbullying | well-being | digital wellbeing | Social Media | digital safeguarding

World Mental Health Day 2022

The 10th of October marks World Mental Health Day, which aims to promote mental health and wellbeing as a global priority.

August 10, 2022 digital learning | digital wellbeing | digital safeguarding | digital safety
Digital Safeguarding and Stress – How to spot silent sufferers before it impacts learning outcomes

Stress levels in independent school students have never been higher. An immense amount of pressure is felt by pupils competing to achieve the highest accolades. Immersed in cohorts of students all striving for the top, whether it’s to be ...

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