July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls | vpn | at-risk students

Identifying at-risk students

The online and physical worlds are merging in every sphere of modern life - and education is no exception. The resulting risks are well known. But there are also benefits. Schools’ ability to identify at-risk students is one of them.

July 20, 2019 Parental Controls | Monkey | video chat | Social Media
Monkey see, Monkey DON'T

A new video chat app invites kids to send 15-second videos to strangers. What could possibly go wrong?

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls | ecosystem | well-being
Cyber Safety or Student Wellbeing?

Cyber safety is simple, according to online safety specialist John Parsons. It's not really about technology at all; it's about student wellbeing.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls | literacy | handwriting | keyboarding
Who needs handwriting?

Six-year-old Patrick sees an occupational therapist every week. His challenge? To learn how to hold a pencil.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls | digital parenting | technology
“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains”

Is your gut telling you social media may be harming your kids? Turns out the people who invented the information age are alarmed too. They’re setting strict boundaries for their own families - and advising others to do the same.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls | online predators
Never smile at a crocodile

“As a former police officer of twenty-two years and undercover internet detective, as well as a father, I am uniquely qualified and passionate about informing parents of the online risks to their children. I’ve arrested over a thousand ...

July 20, 2019 school holidays | Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls
5 ways teens are keeping busy these school holidays

With a month of freedom fast approaching, teens will be looking for ways to entertain themselves during the school holidays.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls | schools | smartphones
Is Roblox Dangerous?

Keeping up with the latest in online gaming can be a multi-level challenge for parents - especially when what's ‘cool’ seems to change at the speed of a mouse-click. One of today's most popular games is also one of the most dangerous. ...

December 12, 2017 school holidays | Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | Parental Controls
5 ways teens are keeping busy these school holidays

With a month of freedom fast approaching, teens will be looking for ways to entertain themselves during the school holidays.

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