April 29, 2020 Cyber Safety | 1:1 | coronavirus | remote learning | equitable learning | BYOD | online learning

The Pursuit of Safe & Equitable Remote Learning: Three Success Stories

The creation of equitable learning environments is a key aim for education in Australia and New Zealand, but it’s a challenging goal and one that took on an entirely new dimension recently with the need to roll out remote learning programs. We followed three schools as they took up the challenge and proved that, although bumpy, the road to equitable learning is well worth the ...

April 17, 2020 Cyber Safety | 1:1 | coronavirus | remote learning | equitable learning | BYOD | online learning
CathEd Parramatta Ensures Equitable & Safe Online Learning

With schools across the country implementing remote learning programs, questions have been raised about how to provide online education in an equitable and safe manner.

April 16, 2020 Cyber Safety | 1:1 | parenting | coronavirus | remote learning | equitable learning | BYOD | online learning
How Schools Can Support Parents During Remote Learning

We have seen the amazing job schools have been doing pulling together and executing their remote learning plans. Teachers had an enormous challenge in modifying teaching methods to fit the online delivery of lessons. And students also ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
"You can't stop students using the powerful computers in their pockets"

"You can't stop students using the powerful computers in their pockets," notes the director of IT at England’s prestigious Queen Elizabeth School. In a world where screens increasingly dominate life, learning and leisure, it’s an ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
Educating children on responsible internet use vs banning mobile phones from school - have you done your research?

The Internet is a part of our everyday lives, not just for mum and dad, but increasingly for children of all ages, too.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | BYOD
Tech savvy - or digitally literate? How Australian students are measuring up

Results from the latest national assessment round of ICT skills (information and communication technology) show that being a whiz on SnapChat and Instagram won’t prepare today’s students to face a digital future.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | classroom management | vpn | schools | BYOD | digital learning | e-learning
'Bring Your Own Digital Distraction' - BYOD and the new curriculum

While digital technology shapes the modern learning environment, teachers are increasingly dealing with digital distraction in the classroom.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | BYOD
The rise of BYOD in Australian schools

The term "BYOD" was first coined in the corporate world, when companies around the world first starting allowing - or mandating - employees to use their personal laptops and tablets in the workplace as a cost-saving measure.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | phone ban | screens in school | classroom management | BYOD | digital learning
Parents grade schools on ICT

An overwhelming majority of Australian adults, 86%, believe it’s important for schools to teach information technology skills, and two-thirds agreed that technology was making a positive contribution to education, according a national ...

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