September 1, 2020 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | suicide | online pornography | depression

Managing student wellbeing online

Cyber safety is not really about technology; it's about student wellbeing. And with the world becoming ever more digital, this presents a multitude of new challenges for admins, wellbeing & pastoral care staff. A comprehensive and effective cyber safety solution should include student internet visibility with timely reports and insights being delivered into the hands of ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | sleep | sleep deprivation | smartphone
What's keeping your students up at night?

Least surprising statistic of the week: 95% of school principals think students spend too much time on devices when they’re not in school.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
"You can't stop students using the powerful computers in their pockets"

"You can't stop students using the powerful computers in their pockets," notes the director of IT at England’s prestigious Queen Elizabeth School. In a world where screens increasingly dominate life, learning and leisure, it’s an ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | partner school program
Linewize Classwize: Your superpower for managing student internet

As an educator, you don’t need x-ray vision to figure out that you and your students aren’t always on the same page.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | mental health | smartphones | wellbeing | primary school | Social Media
Mental health crisis in primary years linked to screen-time, social media

Primary school kids as young as five are self-harming, acting out and suffering from mood disorders at unheard-of rates - and social media and smartphones are being identified as a major contributing factor.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
Educating children on responsible internet use vs banning mobile phones from school - have you done your research?

The Internet is a part of our everyday lives, not just for mum and dad, but increasingly for children of all ages, too.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Fortnite | vpn | content filtering
Beating Fortnite at its own game: How Linewize can help

The Christchurch massacre livestream was like “watching a video game,” according to many viewers. And not just any video game: the massively popular survival-based sensation Fortnite.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | BYOD
Tech savvy - or digitally literate? How Australian students are measuring up

Results from the latest national assessment round of ICT skills (information and communication technology) show that being a whiz on SnapChat and Instagram won’t prepare today’s students to face a digital future.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction
Digital note-passing alert: how students are using Google Docs to 'collaborate' on in-class chat

Psssst - catch! That was the old-school way of passing notes in class. Today’s students have far subtler means at their disposal: from iMessage to SnapChat to Skype to name-your-social-media-platform chat function. But the latest and best ...

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