October 7, 2022 teens on social media | self-harm | bullying | online gaming | mental health | suicide | Gaming | depression | at-risk students | School internet monitoring | wellbeing | cyberbullying | well-being | digital wellbeing | Social Media | digital safeguarding

World Mental Health Day 2022

The 10th of October marks World Mental Health Day, which aims to promote mental health and wellbeing as a global priority.

July 8, 2020 Cyber Safety | Education | wellbeing | cyberbullying | digital wellbeing
A National Framework for Online Safety Education

A comprehensive national framework for online safety education is overdue, say a growing consensus of educators - and a new report commissioned by Australia's eSafety Commissioner provides a detailed blueprint for constructing it.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Duty of Care | cyberbullying
Can your school be sued over online bullying?

A growing body of research has established that bullying can create long-term catastrophic effects, both psychologically and physically. The link between bullying at school and depression in later life is especially alarming.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | cyberbullying | Social Media
Seymour College commits to school community cyber safety

In the lead-up to its centenary and as part of its commitment to reduce bullying, one of Australia’s leading private schools for girls is making Family Zone protection mandatory on all learning devices for younger students outside of ...

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | bullying | cyberbullying
The real cost of bullying in schools

Sure, bullying is nasty. But what about its cost in real terms?

July 20, 2019 vpn | New Zealand | school filtering | Duty of Care | Education | cyberbullying
The Smartphone Problem in Schools - we talk with Radio NZ

It was great to speak with Kathryn Ryan from Radio New Zealand on the problem of smartphones in schools. Many of the schools we talk with are concerned about the rise of smartphone use in schools, and say that the majority of secondary ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | gender | cyberbullying
Bullying and gender: It's not what you think

Move over, mean girls. Turns out the popular stereotype that females have a monopoly on backbiting, social exclusion and cruel gossip is just that: a stereotype. Boys do the exact same thing.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | screens in school | sexting | BYOD | cyberbullying
Responding to cyberbullying: The top 10 tips for schools

One in five Australian students are victims of cyberbullying, and one in four reports of online harassment include “direct threats of violence or harm,” according to e-Safety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant. And the problem is becoming ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | bullying | suicide | cyberbullying
Bullying awareness and prevention: What every school needs to know

Bullying isn’t just “kids being kids.” It’s a form of cruel victimisation that can drive children to self-harm and even suicide - as a growing number of tragedies in Australia and around the world attest. Today, Australia's ninth National ...

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