August 10, 2022 digital learning | digital wellbeing | digital safeguarding | digital safety

Digital Safeguarding and Stress – How to spot silent sufferers before it impacts learning outcomes

Stress levels in independent school students have never been higher. An immense amount of pressure is felt by pupils competing to achieve the highest accolades. Immersed in cohorts of students all striving for the top, whether it’s to be part of the top 1% of academic achievers in the country, being excellent enough at sport to consider a professional career, or becoming Young ...

November 3, 2021 Cyber Safety | Mobile Apps | classroom management | digital learning | e-learning
Managing the risks of e-learning resources in your school

E-learning resources offer schools/kura incredible opportunities to enhance student learning with an abundance of exciting applications and platforms to use. While the benefits are clear, it can be easy to overlook the risks of e-learning ...

July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | online pornography | digital learning | Duty of Care
Is online pornography the new sex ed?

Are young people getting their sex education from pornography? The New Zealand Education Review Office thinks so - and most international experts agree. Should schools be doing more to address this?

July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | mental health | sleep | digital learning | Duty of Care | play | wellbeing
The case against a blanket phone ban

Calls for banning smartphones in schools are being heard right around the world, following the recent lead of France and Albania. But what's the case for the other side?

July 20, 2019 phone ban | Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | distraction | smartphone | digital learning | Duty of Care
Classroom technology: What do students think?

Is technology in the classroom mostly a benefit to learning, or mostly a barrier? Educators have been debating the question for at least a decade. Yet the voices of the ultimate “end-users” - aka students - need to be included in the ...

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: Asking the right questions

Australian classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school, according to an OECD report. Yet our results in reading, maths and science have ...

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: The good news

Australian schools have leapt feet first into the age of digital learning. Our classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | classroom management | schools | digital learning | e-learning
How digital learning is impacting our children

Shortened attention spans and the rise of “selfie culture” are among the negative impacts of digital learning on today’s students, according to a new analysis. On the up side, e-learning is also cultivating self-control, collaboration and ...

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: Good for learning - or good for nothing?

There are so many conflicting opinions and so much conflicting research out there. When even the experts are at odds, it’s hard for teachers and parents to know what to think.

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