July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech

Screens in schools: Asking the right questions

Australian classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school, according to an OECD report. Yet our results in reading, maths and science have been declining for over a decade.

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: The good news

Australian schools have leapt feet first into the age of digital learning. Our classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school.

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: Good for learning - or good for nothing?

There are so many conflicting opinions and so much conflicting research out there. When even the experts are at odds, it’s hard for teachers and parents to know what to think.

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