October 14, 2020 digital parenting | content filtering | school filtering | Education | digital wellbeing

A deep-dive into remote learning and how it can improve education

Post-COVID classrooms may never be quite the same, if Australian students get their way. Amid calls for more flexibility and greater use of online platforms, a renewed focus on student-centred learning may be the silver lining to the pandemic disruption. But it will also move cyber safety concerns front and centre as schools prepare to tackle their digital future.

July 8, 2020 Cyber Safety | Education | wellbeing | cyberbullying | digital wellbeing
A National Framework for Online Safety Education

A comprehensive national framework for online safety education is overdue, say a growing consensus of educators - and a new report commissioned by Australia's eSafety Commissioner provides a detailed blueprint for constructing it.

December 11, 2019 school holidays | Screen time | Excessive Device Usage | Pornography | Education | wellbeing
What your students may be doing online during the summer holidays

Almost half of Australia’s school children attempted to access pornography during the 2018-19 Christmas school holidays, according to data collected by Family Zone.

July 20, 2019 vpn | New Zealand | school filtering | Duty of Care | Education | cyberbullying
The Smartphone Problem in Schools - we talk with Radio NZ

It was great to speak with Kathryn Ryan from Radio New Zealand on the problem of smartphones in schools. Many of the schools we talk with are concerned about the rise of smartphone use in schools, and say that the majority of secondary ...

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