March 19, 2021 schools | online pornography | sexual assault | violence | consent

How online porn is fuelling sexual violence in our schools

It started with a simple question: “Have you or has anyone close to you experienced sexual assault from someone who went to an all-boys school?”

September 1, 2020 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | suicide | online pornography | depression
Managing student wellbeing online

Cyber safety is not really about technology; it's about student wellbeing. And with the world becoming ever more digital, this presents a multitude of new challenges for admins, wellbeing & pastoral care staff. A comprehensive and ...

July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | online pornography | digital learning | Duty of Care
Is online pornography the new sex ed?

Are young people getting their sex education from pornography? The New Zealand Education Review Office thinks so - and most international experts agree. Should schools be doing more to address this?

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | classroom management | online pornography
The Porn Curriculum: What it's teaching your students

A survey has confirmed what many educators already suspect: that boys and girls are consuming online porn at ever-younger ages, and accepting its often brutal “messaging” at face value - with disastrous outcomes for their physical and ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | online pornography | respectful relationships | violence
Should education for respectful relationships be mandatory in Australian schools?

Should education for respectful relationships be mandatory in Australian schools? Disturbing findings from the latest national survey of attitudes toward violence against women have sparked a conversation about online pornography and the ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | hate speech | classroom management | online pornography | Social Media
Where do your students really go when they go online?

Smartphones that slip into a backpocket and tablets that tuck into schoolbags have allowed kids to inhabit a digital world largely invisible to the grown-ups - and seemingly impossible to supervise.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | screens in school | sexting | online pornography | sexual assault
Child-on-child sexual assault rising in schools

Child-on-child sexual assaults are on the rise “across all education sectors and demographics” in what experts are saying are copycat attacks - as kids re-enact the pornography they’ve viewed online.

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