February 22, 2021 remote learning | online safety | digital wellbeing

COVID crisis highlights need for greater focus on student online safety

Practically overnight, the pandemic forced our school communities to transition to new modes of teaching and learning. With remote instruction now firmly established as part of the new normal, student cyber safety has emerged as an urgent priority for school leaders.

September 16, 2020 distraction | remote learning | smartphones | wellbeing | hotspotting
Dealing with bad digital behaviours post lockdown

Research by the Gonski Institute for Education published in early 2020 suggested that the amount of time students are spending on digital technology inside and outside school is having a significant impact on both their classroom learning ...

April 29, 2020 Cyber Safety | 1:1 | coronavirus | remote learning | equitable learning | BYOD | online learning
The Pursuit of Safe & Equitable Remote Learning: Three Success Stories

The creation of equitable learning environments is a key aim for education in Australia and New Zealand, but it’s a challenging goal and one that took on an entirely new dimension recently with the need to roll out remote learning ...

April 17, 2020 Cyber Safety | 1:1 | coronavirus | remote learning | equitable learning | BYOD | online learning
CathEd Parramatta Ensures Equitable & Safe Online Learning

With schools across the country implementing remote learning programs, questions have been raised about how to provide online education in an equitable and safe manner.

April 16, 2020 Cyber Safety | 1:1 | parenting | coronavirus | remote learning | equitable learning | BYOD | online learning
How Schools Can Support Parents During Remote Learning

We have seen the amazing job schools have been doing pulling together and executing their remote learning plans. Teachers had an enormous challenge in modifying teaching methods to fit the online delivery of lessons. And students also ...

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