Linewize Monitor

Makes invisible risks, visible. Keeps students and schools safer. 

Monitor - Highlights

24/7 protection with minimal false positives

Advanced behavioural technology and highly-trained human moderators work side by side to remove false positives and save valuable staff time.

Ensures images in your schools cloud storage are safe, legal and compliant

The Cloud Scan module is an AI detection tool that keeps a school’s cloud storage free from harmful, illegal or non compliant imagery.

Detects common concerns

Including cyberbullying and misuse of school equipment.

The only solution with all four international iKeepSafe accreditations

Maintains highest standards in student data privacy, including exceeding minimal compliance.

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Monitor - Watch at a glance

Key benefits

Detects all major risk categories including bullying:

Real-time alerts 

Alerts designated school staff in real-time and within minutes of an event occurring. Includes notification by phone for the highest suspected risks. 

Human moderation 

Highly trained, human moderation team provides protection 24/7, 365 days a year. They assess the more serious alerts acting as the eyes and ears of school staff. 

Appropriate notifications

Designated staff are contacted only when necessary. All alerts come with contextual evidence to support next step decision making.


Makes invisible risks, visible:

Detects risks across the entire digital space
Risk-assesses everything a student types across Google, Office 365, offline documents, web chat, social media and more.
Alerts designated staff to images saved on the school’s cloud storage that are considered to be a risk
The Cloud Scan module scans the school’s cloud storage and tags content that is harmful, illegal or poses a child safeguarding risk.
Works online & offline
Captures risks on and offline and on any network. 
Detects vulnerabilities across seven categories

Provides the widest categorization in K-12, including violence, mental health concerns, bullying, self-harm, suicide ideation, drugs, gangs, grooming, radicalisation and more.

Optimises staff time:

Drastically reduces false positives
Human moderation dramatically reduces false positives. Staff time is only incurred when absolutely necessary. 
No IT burden 
Cloud-based and fast and easy deployment mean there is no IT burden and no ongoing need for technical administration.
Evidence minimises need for additional information
Risk assesses the whole screen for better accuracy and context. Provides evidence for support specialists such as Guidance Counsellors and Student Safety Officers to better plan their interventions. 
iKeepSafe certified
The only solution of its kind to hold all four iKeepSafe student data privacy certifications: COPPA, FERPA, CSPC and ATLIS. 
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Monitor's impact 



facing the highest risk, including to their health or life, were spotted by Monitor in 2022.



at potential serious risk, including mental health and self-harm, were spotted by Monitor in 2022.



at potential risk of violence or bullying were found by our solutions in 2022.



are supported and protected every day by our technologies.

What our customers say

Video case studies:


st john apostle

Simon Dundan


Monitor is our fail-proof safety net that ensures nothing slips through. We are able to see and capture things that would not be caught because we are monitoring the whole student device.

St John the Apostle


Cassie Jensen

ICT & Digital Technologies Leader and STEM Teacher

Monitor is peace of mind that if something bigger were to surface we would be alerted straight away. We had two alerts, and although they weren't big, we were able to respond within 20 minutes of being notified. I don't think I'd want to be without it now.

St Roch’s Parish Primary School, Glen Iris


Derek Champion

Acting Deputy Head, Pastoral Care

It’s really challenging to get visibility on what students are doing online. Things are happening in a place you don't have access to. This means we spend so much time trying to find out to ensure we act appropriately and help where it's needed. 

Shore School

Further reading

AU_LWZ_brochure_guides_thumbnails-Monitor Download PDF
Solution Brochure
Linewize Monitor
AU_LWZ_whitepaper_guides_thumbnails-Introducing Digital Safeguarding Download PDF
Introducing Digital Safeguarding Technology
AU_LWZ_whitepaper_guides_thumbnails-Case Study-Shore Download PDF
Case Study
Shore’s Holistic Approach to Student Digital Wellbeing and Character Education
AU_LWZ_whitepaper_guides_thumbnails-Student Digital Safety and Wellbeing - Close the gaps Download PDF
Student Digital Safety and Wellbeing - How to Find and Close the Gaps

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