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School Manager Training

Lesson 2
Statistics Menu - Wellbeing Focus

Lesson 2
Statistics Menu - Wellbeing Focus

We’re going to drill down on the Statistics Menu in School Manager. The video will provide you with a better understanding of how to use the main user dashboard, and Apps & Websites to see the allowed student activity - based on your School’s ‘allow’ content filtering rules.

We’ll explore both Users and Groups sections, providing granular insight into individual student activity and patterns (including understanding how to identify a student that might be hotspotting) as well as being able to provide peer comparison across your year group cohorts.

You’ll find this training video invaluable in understanding how both individual students and whole of year groups use and access web content differently in their learning journey.


Go to Lesson 3

We encourage you to practice using the menus and features we’ve highlighted in this video so that you feel confident in using the Cyber Safety tools to support and guide your students in their online development.